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Thursday, 31 October 2013

Asynchronous JQuery script

Monday, 14 October 2013

Disable the Plugin and Theme Editor | Disable Plugin and Theme Update and Installation

Perl script for documents backup


# Configuration params
$backup_dir = '/home/username/public_html';
$file_prefix = 'doc_backup_';

# Get the timestamp for today
$date = `date "+%Y%m%d"`;

chdir('/home/username/backup/doc_backup') ;

`tar -cv -f $file_prefix$date.tar $backup_dir`;

`bzip2 $file_prefix$date.tar`;

# Below line is used to remove the backups older than 5 days to free up the server space
system("find . -mtime +5 -type f -name  'doc_backup_*' -exec rm {} \\;");

Perl script for Database backup

#Configuration params
$host = 'localhost';
$user = 'username';
$pass = 'password';
$database = 'dbname';
$backup_dir = '/home/username/backup/db_backup';
$file_prefix = 'database_backup_';

# Get the timestamp for today
$date = `date "+%Y%m%d"`;

`mysqldump --host=$host --user=$user --pass=$pass  $database | bzip2 -c > $backup_dir/$file_prefix$database$date.sql.bz2`;